IT Services

Disaster Recovery

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Sometimes things happen outside of anyone’s control. TechPro is here to provide recovery plans and take action when disaster strikes, keeping your business on the move. If you are interested in our diaster recovery services fill out the contact form and we will get back to you!

    Problems of all shapes and sizes can limit a business and hamstring its productivity. Many times these problems are internal issues caused by poor structure and setup.”

    Things Happen

    The world is a chaotic place where disaster strikes sometimes seemingly at random. Problems of all shapes and sizes can limit a business and hamstring its productivity. Many times these problems are internal issues caused by poor structure and setup. For example, if a business that relies heavily on network-based technologies continues to add devices to its network without proper configuration this can cause problems.  Eventually, the unmanaged traffic overwhelms the network and the result is rampant disconnects, lost work failed communications, and more. 

    As far as disasters go, the above example is a rather mild issue. What about a major hardware failure on a critical server that causes the entire business to go down? An issue like this would need immediate professional attention from a trained technician. The first example could also be prevented, or resolved by proper network assessment and restructuring.

    Lastly, physical destruction caused by events like natural disasters, security breaches both internal and external, and physical theft can be huge disasters that strike causing problems both mitigatable and unforeseen.

    Techpro is Here

    When you work with TechPro as your lead IT we provide disaster recovery solutions to help deal with and manage disaster fallout. This starts first and foremost by utilizing our Cloud, Bkacup, And Storage solutions which provide a framework for data recovery. When disaster strikes the first thing people are often concerned with is protecting and restoring any critical and/or sensitive data pertaining to the business. With Ready-to-go backup plans in place, tech pro ensures your company’s data integrity.

    As far as hardware failure goes, TechPro provides service and warranties for any equipment purchased directly through us. Depending on your hardware and what type o IT service plan you have with us, we will assess, diagnose, repair, or replace any needed components in record time to get you back on your feet again.

    Our Recovery plan includes inspecting the level of damages that have occurred across all equipment., assessing the nature and extent of any breeches or security flaws, diagnosing and reconfiguring any network inconsistencies or structure issues, and providing a detailed report of damages as well as keeping you in the loop on our recovery options.

    Virtual Gate Guard Services

    This starts first and foremost by utilizing our Cloud, Backup, And Storage solutions which provide a framework for data recovery.”

    Once set to go, TechPro can then make sure nothing so disastrous sets your business back again. If you’re ready to rebuild better and stronger than before after a major incident, give our team a call!”

    Worst Case Scenarios

    What if you aren’t already working with the amazing IT team at Techpro when disaster strikes? You may not have plans and systems in place to provide the safety net needed for a full recovery. While we can’t promise you the impossible, TechPro can still work with you after your business suffers a major setback or disaster which affects the IT side of your business.

    Disasters are not fun for anyone, but they are an opportunity to assess and rebuild your technology systems so that they are better suited for disaster recovery in the future. That means working with us to develop a plan that makes sense for your business. This is of course after we do everything in our power to get you up and running.

    Once set to go, TechPro can then make sure nothing so disastrous sets your business back again. If you’re ready to rebuild better and stronger than before after a major incident, give our team a call!